Thursday, September 27, 2007

For the love of Pop Tarts

I had an extraordinarily crazy start to my day. It seemed everything that could go wrong, did go wrong. I did finally make it out of the house . . . late . . . and managed to make it to work on time, but just barely. I put coffee on and went through the usual routine of turning on my computer, printing my daily tasks, etc. Then, I pulled magic from my purse in the form of Pop Tarts. Amidst all the chaos this morning, I managed to grab the last packet of Brown Sugar & Cinnamon goodness from the pantry to enjoy with my coffee . . . should I survive and actually get to the coffee part of my morning . . .
I prepared my cup of coffee while I waited for the toaster to turn my packet of Pop Tarts into the lightly browned, warm superbness I needed to turn my day around.
Let me tell you, it worked like a charm! I enjoyed every single amazing bite and I feel so much better now!

Viva Le Pop Tarts!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your Pop Tarts, psyco!! THIS IS TOTALLY WEIRD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!