Sunday, April 13, 2008


Tonight I went and saw the movie 21. I enjoyed the film, but was unimpressed with the overall movie-going experience. After sitting through 30 minutes of public service announcements and commercials they finally started the previews . . . and 10 minutes after that they actually started the movie. About twenty minutes in, a baby started crying. I hate to be so hard-core, but who the hell brings their baby to a late screening on a Saturday night????? And people . . . when you do make the poor decision to bring your baby to the theater and he starts crying in the middle of the film, take him out of the theater . . . please!!!!!! I paid $10 to enjoy a film, not listen to a child cry. I can do that at home for free!!!! Good grief!

Anyway . . . I digress. I did actually enjoy the movie. Five MIT students are taught by one of their professors to count cards and win at Blackjack and the excitement begins when they take their skills to Vegas. I thought I had it all figured out about half way through, but they threw a couple of curve balls that made the story more interesting and less predictable. I could tell you about them, but I don't want to spoil it! JUST GO SEE IT!

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